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April 30, 2019
Accurate HIV Coding Can Improve Patient Care
CDPHP supports the NYS Department of Health (DOH) initiative to remove barriers and combat the stigma associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing, pre-exposure prophylaxis, and treatment. In 2018, the DOH updated HIV testing regulations, removing the requirement to obtain either written or verbal consent from patients. This change has helped to streamline access to HIV…
#Network in the Know
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April 30, 2019
Performance Opportunity Project: Keeping HARP Members Connected
CDPHP has offered case management services to our Medicaid Health and Recovery Plan (HARP) members since 2016. These are members who are identified as having significant behavioral and medical health needs. Our HARP case management team works to connect these members to providers and services in an effort to improve their health outcomes.
#Network in the Know
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March 19, 2019
Seven Tips for Highly Effective Patient Engagement
With ever-increasing documentation requirements and the press of an often jam-packed clinical schedule, physicians are finding it increasingly difficult to establish a trusting, empathic relationship with their patients. Yet patients place great store in the time and attention their physicians give them, and a successful physician-patient partnership can actually improve health outcomes and compliance.
#Network in the Know
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March 19, 2019
Screening Tools for Measuring Depression
When a patient seeks treatment for depression, it’s a good idea for the physician to use a scale to measure subjective symptoms. Several screening tools are available to assess mood, motivation level, and suicidal thoughts. For example, the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2) is an appropriate tool for identifying depression in teens and adults, whereas older…
#Network in the Know
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January 14, 2019
16 Family-Friendly Winter Festivals in the Capital Region and Beyond
If winter has you or your family members going a little stir-crazy, take heart! Our community hosts a number of fun, sometimes wacky winter festivals that will help you embrace the season and the great outdoors, whether there’s snow on the ground or not.
#Healthy Living
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April 26, 2018
75+ Rewarding Volunteer Opportunities for Students in the Capital Region
Are you a student who needs community service hours to graduate? Are you wondering where to start, or how you’ll fit the hours into your already demanding schedule? You may be involved in sports or a club, or carry a demanding class load, or maybe you’re holding down a part-time job, trying to earn money…
#Healthy Living