J.D. Power is a name that’s synonymous with quality and customer service. The firm has conducted consumer satisfaction surveys for almost 50 years, since J.D. “Dave” Power and his wife, Julie, started it from the kitchen of their Calabasas, Calif., home in 1968.
Today, companies across the globe fight for the right to attach their name to the distinguished J.D. Power trophy that’s seen on TVs, billboards, and advertisements as a staple of quality across America.
This year, a little (400,000-member) health plan in upstate New York is glowing with pride after receiving its very own J.D. Power trophy. That’s right! CDPHP has ranked Highest in Member Satisfaction among Commercial Health Plans in New York!
CDPHP has been recognized as part of the J.D. Power 2017 Member Health Plan Study, which measures member satisfaction among 168 health plans in 22 regions across the country. The study examined customer satisfaction in the following areas:
The study showed that care coordination and provider choice/access were most important to those surveyed. These are unique skillsets of CDPHP, a health plan founded by local doctors in 1984. More than 30 years later, CDPHP continues to be guided by local doctors, as eight of its 15 board members are practicing physicians.
Inside these four walls, CDPHP employees are constantly thinking of creative ways to connect with our members. In 2017, we launched the CDPHP Member Advisory Committee (MAC), an exclusive group of CDPHP members who meet monthly to discuss ways to improve the quality of care in our community. And in 2016, we opened the doors to CDPHP Insights, an online community of members and non-members who provide the plan with feedback on a variety of topics, including their own health care experiences, benefit preferences, fitness and nutrition habits, and much more.
The point is that member satisfaction is a true obsession at CDPHP. Each and every day, our employees have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our members. What an honor. I am extraordinarily proud of the work we do, and I’m humbled by this wonderful recognition. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for entrusting your health to CDPHP!
Check out the J.D. Power 2017 Member Health Plan Study to learn more about the award, including details on how CDPHP stacks up against our competitors.
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