The new school year gives families an opportunity to hit the reset button and create healthier habits. If your family’s routine got disrupted this summer, you’re not alone. Here are six simple ways to boost your well-being and get back on track this fall.
With back-to-school, shorter days, and more indoor time, being a parent in the fall can feel stressful and overwhelming. Taking just a few minutes a day to write in a gratitude journal can make a big difference for your body and mind. Studies show that people who focus on gratitude tend to:
We all know that fall is the start of flu season, but there’s a lot you can do to help keep your family healthy:
Have you and the kids slipped into a summer sleep schedule? Try getting bedtime back in shape early, so everyone will be in the groove when school starts. Plan calm activities in the evening and set bedtimes so that everyone (even you!) can get enough rest.
Here’s how much sleep the CDC recommends for the whole family:
Packing lunches for school and work can give your whole family a great mid-day boost. To ease stress and make the packing simple, grab your ingredients before the week starts. Here’s a strategy to try: shop for your favorite vegetables, fruits, grains, and protein. Then keep it interesting with a different mix-and-match combination each day:
Bonus Tip! For a fun lunch that keeps food from touching (for those picky eaters among us), try a Bento box! They’re handy for planning portions for grownups, too.
With busier schedules and earlier bedtimes, it can be hard to really connect and be present with your family in the fall. But turning off your devices in the evening—even if it’s just for a little while—can help. Going device-free can lower stress and let you really focus on each other. And cutting out the blue light from screens in the evening can even help you sleep better!
New schedules and activities can make this time of year stressful. Remember to pause, take a deep breath, and soak in the best things about fall. Take the opportunity to discover the season all over again, through your kids’ eyes.
Source: Ovia Health six simple ways to boost your well-being this fall article.
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