August 07, 2024 Healthy Living

The Essential Plan: A Health Care Success in NYS

From skyrocketing costs to lack of transparency, it’s easy to identify the problems plaguing today’s health care system. With all the negative news out there, it’s important to celebrate the positive. Here in New York, the Essential Plan has become a shining star and proven its ability to provide high-quality, affordable health care coverage to hundreds of thousands of state residents.

The Essential Plan (EP) is available to low or moderate income New Yorkers who don’t qualify for Medicaid. These plans have no deductible and no copays for preventive care. Routine doctor visits with your primary care doctor or specialists, tests ordered by your doctor, and prescriptions are all covered under the Essential Plan. Vision and dental coverage are also included in these plans.

If you’re not familiar with the EP, here’s how it works.

The EP is available to New York residents between the ages of 19 – 64 who meet the below income requirements.

The Essential Plan has a $0 monthly premium, no deductible, and includes the following benefits:

Interested in learning more? We’re here to help you find the best plan for you and your family. Get started today.

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