December 20, 2022 Healthy Living

They switched to ConnectRx pharmacy for savings and found so much more!

In October 2022, CDPHP members, Colleen and Ed Foley, received a letter notifying them that their pharmacy had chosen not to participate in the health plan’s popular prescription drug discount program, Rx for Less, which gives members access to dozens of generic medications for as low as a penny a pill.

For the Foleys, Rx for Less had lowered the cost of several of Ed’s maintenance medications from $10 to .90 cents a fill, resulting in significant annual savings for them.

So, when Colleen read the letter, she knew that they’d need to switch pharmacies. “To be honest, I was dreading the phone call to the pharmacy,” recalls Colleen.

Ed had a long list of prescriptions, and despite the couple’s many requests to their old pharmacy, it had never been able to synchronize his medications so that all his refills would come due on the same day.

“Our old pharmacy was very inconsistent,” recalls Ed.

As a result, it required regular phone calls to the pharmacy and to his doctors, coordinating refills as well as frequent trips to the pharmacy where he’d wait in line to pick up his medications.  

Every two weeks, Ed would sit for an hour with his list of prescriptions long enough to fill an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper, his medications, and pill boxes to sort and count his pills for the weeks ahead.

Shortly after the letter from CDPHP arrived, armed with a list of pharmacies participating in the Rx for Less program, Colleen set out to find a new one that would not only keep costs low, but hopefully synchronize her husband’s medications and simplify his routine.

When Colleen called the ConnectRx pharmacy in Latham, she reached supervising pharmacist, Jasmine Rivera, Pharm. D. who assured her, “That’s exactly what I do for patients.”

“I heard angels singing,” Colleen relays.

But not without one extra challenge…

Colleen and Ed would be setting sail for a two-week cruise in early 2023, right when the 90-day supply of his medications would be running out.

Colleen wanted to be sure Ed had enough medication for the trip and for when they returned home.

“That won’t be a problem,” Jasmine explained. Colleen got to work and supplied Jasmine with a complete list of Ed’s prescriptions, and exact pill counts as requested.

By the next day, Jasmine had emailed a chart forecasting the refills of all Ed’s medications with their complete synchronization occurring by March and followed up with a phone call that evening.

“My mind was blown,” says Colleen.

In her follow up call, Jasmine asked if they’d like to use the free home delivery ConnectRx offers. “I couldn’t believe they delivered, and for free! My mind was blown again,” recalls Colleen.

Today, Colleen and Ed, feel they are part of a team effort in Ed’s care, “with Jasmine as the leader of the team.”

“In this day and age, where customer service is basically a lost art, I cannot express enough my extreme appreciation and gratitude for the effort, time, and professionalism Jasmine has provided to us,” says Colleen.

For Jasmine, it’s all in a day’s work. She enjoys working at a community pharmacy where they take the time to get to know their patients and personalize their pharmacy experience.

ConnectRx has locations in Clifton Park, Latham, and Watervliet. The pharmacy is open to the public and accepts most major insurances. From convenient, point-of-care locations and free home delivery to cost-saving drug programs and specialty pharmacy services, the ConnectRx pharmacy team provides a personalized experience for each patient, because … Caring is the best medicine.

Learn more at

CDPHP gives members the power to switch pharmacies and find prescription savings from the palm of their hand with the CDPHP ConnectRx, On the Go member pharmacy app.

Find out more and download the app at

Sarah O'Higgins
About the Author

Sarah joined CDPHP in 2021 as a marketing manager, continuing a 16-year career in marketing and communications. She is passionate about connecting patients to care, and helping to increase quality of life for residents of the Capital Region and beyond. In her free time, Sarah enjoys spending time with family and friends, cooking, gardening, and playing tennis.

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