April 14, 2021 Healthy Living

Why this loyal CDPHP member keeps sticking with green

There’s nothing out there comparable to what I have.

Capital Region native, Marie Miller, became a CDPHP® member in 1985. Since then, she has never looked back.

When she first signed up with CDPHP, she was working for the NYS Health Department and was just excited to have health insurance through her job. Marie continued to work for different agencies throughout the years, and although every open enrollment season she had the option to switch to a different carrier, she consistently decided to stick with CDPHP.

“I always had a great experience with getting my needed medications and services covered,” said Miller. “I’ve had really great primary care providers and specialty doctors, and I was allowed to go to pretty much any provider I wanted.”

The satisfaction and comfort of knowing her health care needs were taken care of is what made Marie stay. “I just never felt the need to move to another plan.”

Making preventive care a priority

In addition to the benefits coverage and expansive network of doctors, Marie explained how she appreciates her plan’s emphasis on preventive health care. “They’ve made it easy to have the preventive health visits and treatments that I’ve needed, such as routine screenings and flu shots. My plan encourages me to get those services, and they don’t cost me anything.”

As she grew up, her mom always emphasized the importance of preventive care, and Marie has since instilled that with her whole family. “You don’t want to just treat sickness, you want to make wellness,” said Miller.  

Having a voice in health care

One important, and maybe unexpected, reason that Marie says she values CDPHP is that fact that she knows her voice is heard. She often participates in CDPHP Insights online surveys and says she enjoys doing them because it gives her a chance to share her opinion on different health care topics, something you might not expect to do very often with your health insurance company.

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