May 06, 2016 Medical Conditions

Alzheimer’s Disease: Everyone with a Brain is at Risk!

Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia that causes a progressive, irreversible decline in an individual’s normal patterns of behavior, thinking, and memory. It can progress to the point that the ability to perform daily tasks is compromised, and it is deadly. Although it predominantly affects those 65 or older, it is not considered a normal part of aging.

Essentially, everyone with a brain is at risk for developing this incurable disease, which affects more than 5 million people and is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. Some studies suggest that, among older people, it is the third leading cause of death, eclipsed only by heart disease and cancer. Currently, there is no cure for this disease, which kills more people than breast and prostate cancer combined. However, research is ongoing, and there are some treatments that can slow the progression of the disease.

Changes in the Brain and Risk Factors

In people with Alzheimer’s, damage to the brain may start 10 years or more before memory and cognition are affected. At that stage, they may be free of symptoms, but toxic changes are taking place in the brain, namely abnormal deposits of proteins that form amyloid plaques and tangled bundles of fibers called tau tangles. These changes cause disruptions in connections between neurons, the nerve cells of the brain.

Thus far, studies have shown that the most prevalent risks for developing Alzheimer’s include advancing age, a strong family history of the disease (affecting a parent, child, or sibling), and the presence of certain genes. All of these are factors that you cannot control.

However, a host of other factors may also be at play. For instance, scientists are now studying the relationship between cognitive decline and head trauma, as well as certain vascular and metabolic conditions, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Reducing the risk of these conditions may have a beneficial effect on your risk of developing Alzheimer’s.

Additionally, observing the guidelines for general healthy aging may offer protection against developing the disease. Your risk may be reduced by maintaining healthy eating habits, exercising, and engaging in stimulating mental and social activities.

Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease

The 10 most common signs of Alzheimer’s are listed in the box below. Its progression is variable, but in the early stages of the disease, mild memory loss is most common. As the disease progresses, affected individuals may withdraw, becoming disoriented, unresponsive to their environment, and unable or unwilling to interact with the people in their lives. In advanced stages, they may even have difficulty walking, speaking, or swallowing.

10 Most Common Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease

  1. Memory loss, especially the inability to recall recently learned information
  2. Difficulty concentrating or solving problems
  3. Trouble completing familiar tasks
  4. Mood swings and personality changes
  5. Confusion about time, place, or events and unfounded suspicions about family members, friends, or caregivers
  6. Trouble recalling words and following or participating in conversations
  7. Impaired ability to interpret visual or spatial cues
  8. Altered judgment, which sometimes leads to risky behaviors
  9. Withdrawal from previously pleasurable activities or social situations
  10. Misplacing objects and difficulty performing activities with sequential steps

Since early diagnosis provides the best opportunity for treatment and planning for the future, it is important to see a doctor if you or someone you know is exhibiting these signs. There is no single test that can definitively diagnose Alzheimer’s. Rather, the doctor will assess the individual’s overall health status, any history of past medical issues or changes in personality or behavior, and the person’s ability to perform daily activities. Cognitive and neurological testing, standard medical tests like blood and urine analysis, and brain scans may also be performed to detect abnormalities and rule out other causes of the problem.


To date, no cure has been discovered for Alzheimer’s, but there are some drugs and other treatments that may slow the course of the disease, alleviate some of the behavioral and cognitive symptoms, and improve quality of life. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved several medications for the treatment of Alzheimer’s. These drugs don’t alter the disease process, but by regulating neurotransmitters in the brain, they may help reduce or delay cognitive decline and behavioral problems, at least for a time. Non-drug strategies for treating Alzheimer’s, such as exercise, can also be effective in improving cognitive function or slowing progression of the disease.

Coping Mechanisms for Caregivers

Alzheimer’s disease places high physical, emotional, and financial demands on caregivers. Daily care, changes in family roles, insufficient support, and concern over the safety and well-being of a loved one take a tremendous toll. Becoming well-informed about the disease, practicing self-care, and seeking support when needed are all important strategies for coping.

Often, the behavioral changes that can occur with Alzheimer’s are the most distressing for patient and caregiver alike. Those affected may be agitated, anxious, depressed, restless, or aggressive; exhibit emotional or verbal outbursts; or experience sleeplessness, hallucinations, or wandering, among other behaviors. It may be difficult for caregivers not to take such behaviors personally. There are some strategies that can help, though:

coping bullet 1

Identify and avoid triggers when possible, and seek medical counsel when warranted. Certain events or environmental changes, such as a move, hospitalization, or a change in routines, may trigger problem behaviors. Minimizing such changes can go a long way toward curbing problematic behaviors. Additionally, it is important to recognize that the behavioral issue may be caused by drug side effects, other health issues such as infection, or undiagnosed hearing or vision problems. That is why it is advisable for anyone who develops behavioral changes, especially in the case of sudden onset, to undergo a thorough medical evaluation.

coping bullet 2Assess personal comfort. This is particularly important if the person with Alzheimer’s has difficulty with communication. The behavior may be a result of pain, thirst, hunger, fatigue, infection, or other cause unrelated to Alzheimer’s.

coping bullet 3Avoid confrontation. For instance, if a family member with Alzheimer’s insists that her deceased brother visited her last week, don’t argue. Redirect the conversation, perhaps bringing up an endearing trait of the brother or memories of an enjoyable visit with him.

coping bullet 4

Maintain a calm physical environment. Too much stimulation can trigger unwanted behaviors, so try to avoid noise, distractions, bright lights, noxious odors, or abrupt changes in the environment. If there’s a certain object, such as a pillow or soft blanket, which seems to provide a sense of security, make sure it’s within reach of the person.

coping bullet 5Allow adequate rest. Sleep patterns can be disrupted in those with Alzheimer’s, and they may be prone to overstimulation throughout the day, so it’s important to provide them with ample opportunities to rest and relax.

coping bullet 6Don’t ignore requests, even if inappropriate. It is best to acknowledge the request and respond, even if you cannot fulfill the person’s desires.


coping bullet 7

Seek support and information, and recognize you are not alone. The local chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association can be a tremendous resource for learning about the disease, latest treatments and clinical trials, and strategies for coping with the burdens of caregiving. Find a chapter in your community, sign up for their weekly e-newsletter, or contact the association’s 24-hour helpline at 1-800-272-3900. The association also maintains an online social networking community at AlzConnected where you can find support from other caregivers.


Help is also available from other organizations, like the Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center, the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, and the Family Caregiver Alliance, to name a few. Also, many organizations, like the Northeastern New York chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, host events to raise awareness and funding for research into the disease. Your involvement and advocacy could help you overcome any feelings of helplessness you are experiencing.

Adele O'Connell
About the Author

Adele joined CDPHP in 2004 as an internal communications and event specialist. She then spent eight years coordinating the company’s community relations and corporate events program, in which capacity she worked with a host of non-profit organizations and co-chaired the CDPHP annual Charity of Choice campaign. Currently, she is a communications specialist and coordinator of corporate member engagement and serves on the boards of two local charities. Prior to CDPHP, Adele served as a legislative assistant for a trade association and as an acquisitions and developmental editor, specializing in educational and medical publishing. She earned a bachelor’s degree in English from Rosemont College.

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