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October 28, 2015
Pumpkin Encore: 10 Ways to Get the Most Out of Fall’s Favorite Fruit
Halloween and Thanksgiving are just around the corner, so you may soon be carving yet another jack-o-lantern or arranging small pumpkins as a centerpiece or house decoration to mark the season.
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July 29, 2015
The Ciccotti Center: The First Certified Medical Fitness Facility in New York
Following three years of rigorous and intensive preparation, the Rudy A. Ciccotti Family Recreation Center in Albany has achieved the coveted status of a certified medical fitness facility. It is the first fitness facility in New York to have earned that distinction, and one of only 47 medically integrated fitness centers in the world.
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July 02, 2015
Cycle the Erie Canal: A Bike Trek for the Whole Family
Each July, Parks & Trails New York organizes a bike tour along the Erie Canalway Trail that attracts bicyclists from around the country and the world. This year’s canal tour extends from Buffalo to Albany.
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June 23, 2015
Student Volunteer Options in the Capital District
Are you looking for something meaningful for your teenagers to do over the summer? Or perhaps their high school or college requires community service as a prerequisite for graduation? You need look no further, as numerous volunteer opportunities are available right here in New York’s Capital District.
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April 22, 2015
The Risks of Binge Drinking and Tanning Beds
Spring is traditionally a time of celebration for students that is marked by graduations, parties, and proms. But these annual rites of passage often strike fear in the hearts of parents because of the potential perils involved. Two of these perils – tanning and binge drinking – can pose serious health hazards with potentially long-lasting—even…
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April 20, 2015
Exercise and Alzheimer’s Disease
To date, scientists have not discovered how to prevent or cure Alzheimer’s disease, a form of dementia that affects more than 5 million people in the United States and is the sixth leading cause of death. However, recent research shows that exercise may help preserve cognitive function in those at risk for developing the disease,…
#Healthy Living