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June 01, 2015
Medical Arms Race
Have you ever lived in a neighborhood where it’s obvious that two people are competing over the nicest lawn or newest car? It’s fun to watch, right? You know these guys are doling out oodles of cash just to one-up each other. What’s not fun to watch is when this sort of thing happens in…
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May 15, 2015
Don’t Shoot the Messenger
When the price of a product is low, no one seems to care. But when product prices rise, everyone wants to know why. Suddenly, Congress is holding hearings, analysts are weighing in on major news networks, and the American public is paying attention. Rightfully so, you deserve to know where your hard-earned money is being spent.
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May 04, 2015
Small Businesses Get Bigger Under the Affordable Care Act
Beginning in 2016, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will redefine the small group market to include employers with two to 100 employees (instead of two to 50 employees).
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April 06, 2015
The True Culprits Behind Rising Generic Drug Costs
For years, health plans – like CDPHP – have encouraged members to request generic drugs and compare drug prices as a way to save money. Generics, which are chemically identical to their brand-name counterparts, are created after a drug patent expires. They can often be sold at a fraction of the price because the manufacturer…
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January 26, 2015
Price Transparency in Health Care
When you walk into a store, do you purchase the first item you see that meets your needs? Probably not. Depending on what kind of consumer you are, maybe you go from store to store, look for online deals, wait for sales, or comparison shop to get the best value for the lowest price.
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January 22, 2015
How Obamacare Might Impact Your Federal Income Taxes
With the tax season upon us, CDPHP® is reminding you that the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obamacare, may impact your 2014 tax returns.