Many people are nervous about starting a garden because they are afraid they will fail. It’s a lot of work. As a gardener you will spend hours enduring heat and bugs, bending and kneeling in the dirt, planting, weeding, watering, pruning, staking, and harvesting your crops. But take heart! Your efforts will pay off in many ways.
Don’t fret that you don’t have a “green thumb.” Realize that not everything you plant will be a prize-winner, especially in the beginning. Start small and build on your successes. A garden isn’t something that you create once, then sit back and enjoy. You will learn as you grow and see improvements in every season.
Gardening offers abundant stress relief, so even a paltry harvest shouldn’t prevent you from reaping major benefits, as long as you focus on the process without worrying too much about the outcome.
One of the most important features for a garden is adequate sun exposure—ideally, six to eight hours a day. Without that, your choices will be limited. You will also need access to water.
Think about what you want to grow. Are you going for decorative? Or hoping to harvest plenty of yummy vegetables? Don’t be afraid to plant a variety of vegetables and flowers. Vegetable plants and flowers can be the best of friends. Fancy blooms will brighten your victory garden and attract pollinating bees. Some flowers, including marigold and calendula, can repel beetles and other garden pests.
Have your soil Ph-tested (to see if it is too acid or too alkaline) for a nominal fee at a nearby plant nursery or Cornell Cooperative Extension office. Over-acidity can be corrected by adding ground limestone.
Some other soil issues may be evident as soon as you begin to dig. Is it too sandy? The water will rush right through and the roots of your plants won’t find much organic material to feed upon. Enhance sandy soil by working in plenty of compost and peat moss.
Is it too damp and compacted? If your soil contains a lot of clay and does not drain well, it will leave your plants with “wet feet” and they will not thrive. Once again, compost is your friend. Buy it, make it, or both. Just be sure to use plenty of it.
If you don’t already have a tilled area, be prepared to dig your garden patch thoroughly, removing as much of the grass and weeds as you can before you begin. Your local hardware store may have rototillers to rent, but they are unwieldy to transport and operate. Even better, locate a landscaper or a rototiller-owning neighbor who is willing to till your land.
In advance of your rototilling, clearly mark the area you want overturned and apply your first round of soil amendments (limestone if necessary, and peat moss and composted cow manure for sure) so they can be mixed right in.
When perusing the seed rack at your local garden store, you will see dozens of tantalizing choices. Don’t get carried away. Some things are easily started from seed and others are better when you buy them as plants from a nursery.
Being a gardener gives you an instant conversation-starter, which is one of the best things about this popular pastime. You will find many around you who have advice and plants to share.
Looking for support or a space to plant in? Reach out to Capital Roots (formerly Capital District Community Gardens). They have more than 850 community garden plots available in 49 locations throughout Albany, Rensselaer, Schenectady, and southern Saratoga counties. They also offer plant sales and classes on organic gardening.
Another great gardening resource for our region is Cornell Cooperative Extension, a publicly funded organization dedicated to supporting New York farmers and gardeners. They have offices throughout the area and experts who are eager to advise you.
Photo by Kim Piper Werker / CC BY
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