August 11, 2021 Healthy Living

The Faces Behind CDPHP Hospital to Home – Vivette

The CDPHP Hospital to Home program provides CDPHP members and their families with support during a hospital stay. Our team of doctors, nurses, and social workers meets our members at the bedside, helping answer questions about their care plan, serving as a connecter for patients and families, and assisting with discharge planning and follow-up appointments.

Previously, we introduced you to Miranda and Kathleen, both of whom find great pleasure in helping our members during these challenging times. Today, we’d like you to meet Vivette, an inpatient care manager who works at Albany Medical Center.

Meet Vivette

How long have you been with CDPHP? What’s your current role? And what’s your favorite part about the job? I’ve been at CDPHP for about four and a half years and I’m currently an inpatient care manager covering Albany Medical Center. My favorite part about my job is talking to members and their families, figuring out how I can support them, and troubleshooting any obstacles.

What did you do prior to joining CDPHP? Prior to CDPHP, I worked at a federally-qualified health center in Schenectady. I also work per diem as a bedside nurse at Ellis Hospital in the med/surg unit.

The COVID-19 crisis has been difficult for so many of us. In your role, what are some creative ways you’ve worked to support CDPHP members and their families during these difficult times? At the height of the pandemic, patients were not allowed to have visitors, which was not only terribly sad, but confusing because it was difficult to communicate updates with families. To help, we began calling spouses and other family members to provide updates, and sometimes, just listen as they shared their fears and concerns.

These are scary times. As a health care provider, what’s been the scariest thing you’ve had to deal with? One of the scariest parts was dealing with possible COVID-19 exposure while working in close proximity with patients and staff.  The good news is that everyone took great precaution to keep one another safe.

What’s your best advice for CDPHP members who experience a hospital admission? I let members and families know that navigating the health care system and being in the hospital can be overwhelming, and that we will be with them during their stay in the hospital and after discharge. I let them know that our medical directors are always available, both in-person and virtually.

What’s your most memorable moment from the last 12 months? Well, I have a lot of memories, but one of the most memorable was a conversation I had with a member who had just lost his son due to COVID-19. When I told him we were there for him in whatever way he needed, he became very emotional and said he felt like some of the weight he had been carrying was lifted. It’s this type of thing that really brings meaning to what I do.

What are your hopes and dreams for 2021? I hope to have more in-person contact with our members.

What do you do outside of work? When I’m not at work, I’m usually driving out to New Hampshire to visit my sons, who are the light in my life and keep me grounded. We like to watch basketball (I’m a big fan of the Miami Heat) and football (introduced to the world of sports by my boys). I also enjoy participating in activities at my church, eating out, and trying new foods.

Be sure to check back over the next few weeks as we introduce you to even more members of the team, or read about team members previously featured.

Meet Miranda

Meet Kathleen

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