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December 30, 2014
Getting Help During a Health Crisis: CDPHP is Here for You
The CDPHP case management team helps members coping with complex medical situations such as aging, diabetes, cancer, HIV/AIDS, and high-risk pregnancy.
#Medical Conditions
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December 09, 2014
Incontinence: More Common Than You Think
Let’s face it – incontinence (also known as bladder leakage or involuntary urination) is one of those topics most people would prefer to avoid talking about with their friends, family, and even their doctor. It can be an unpleasant subject and some find it to be downright embarrassing… even though they really shouldn’t.
#Medical Conditions
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December 04, 2014
Type 1 Diabetes: What Parents and Children Need to Know
“When I found out my daughter had type 1 diabetes, I was devastated.” “I couldn’t sleep, I was angry, I felt guilty, and most of all, I was frightened and overwhelmed, unsure how we were going to be able to cope.”
#Medical Conditions
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November 18, 2014
Lung Cancer: Reducing Your Risk
Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in both men and women, but is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States. It kills nearly 163,000 Americans every year. However, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk, so it’s important to arm yourself with knowledge about the disease and…
#Medical Conditions
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September 29, 2014
Returning to Work After Cancer
If you’ve recently undergone cancer treatment, you might be eager to resume your normal life so you can regain a sense of who you are. However, going back to work can be a big adjustment. You might look forward to certain things, such as getting back in touch with friends and co-workers, or have concerns,…
#Medical Conditions
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September 04, 2014
Diabetes and Your School-Aged Child
If you’re a parent of a child with diabetes, you want to be assured that your child’s school is able to assist him or her with checking blood sugar levels, administering insulin, or managing an emergency. While older children might be able to handle these things themselves, younger children may need an adult (teacher, camp…
#Medical Conditions