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September 25, 2019
Take Control of Your Health Care Future With Advance Care Planning
You’ve probably made plans for your financial future by having a 401k or a life insurance policy. You’ve taken steps now to make sure you’re prepared for whatever tomorrow might bring. You can prepare for your health care future with advance care planning. What is advance care planning? If you are ever unable to speak…
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July 30, 2019
Why Ratings Matter When Shopping for Health Insurance
Think about the steps you take before making a purchase, whether it’s an appliance or a book, or even before deciding which restaurant to go to. You want to make sure you’re getting the most for your money and will be satisfied, so you research the item, read reviews, and comparison shop.
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July 10, 2019
3 Ways You Can Receive Free or Low Cost Health Insurance in New York State
Finding quality health insurance that fits your budget is important for you and your family. Let’s look at three types of health coverage that may be right for you, depending on your income, family size, and your needs.
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May 27, 2019
Understanding Medicare Part D
Medicare plans include a standard level of coverage, and that goes for prescription drug coverage, too. Every Medicare Advantage plan must cover all services available with Original Medicare coverage.
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August 28, 2018
5 Simple Steps to Safely Store or Get Rid of Your Medications
They’re in your medicine cabinet. They’re on the counter. They may be sitting on the dining room table, next to a pile of unopened mail. They are unused medications. At first, they were helpful. Now, it’s time to clean them up.
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May 10, 2018
Pardon me, but what does that mean?
When traveling to a foreign country, you’d expect to interact with people who speak a different language. To prepare, you might brush up on words and phrases to get you through your trip without having an awkward encounter with a waiter or cab driver that leaves both sides feeling helpless. You might even download a…