Cancer can be a difficult subject to discuss, and no form of cancer causes more conversational discomfort than colorectal cancer – largely because the screening is often viewed as invasive, uncomfortable, and too overwhelming to consider.
#Medical ConditionsSocial connections are an important part of living a healthy life. But sometimes circumstances make it difficult to stay in touch, causing you to feel lonely. Maybe your car needs repair, or you don’t have a car, so transportation is a challenge. Or a change in household income has made it so you might not…
#Healthy LivingConnectRx pharmacist, Laura Lewis, Pharm D. with CDPHP member, Kim Lane Not all superheroes wear capes. For CDPHP® member, Kim Lane, her superheroes wear ConnectRx pharmacy name tags. “I wish I could draw,” says Kim. “I have this vision in my head of the team at ConnectRx, and they’re all superheroes.” A patient at ConnectRx…
#Healthy LivingWinter brings colder air, lower temperatures, and sometimes even snow. While these conditions can be fun for skiing or sledding, they’re not so fun when it comes to keeping your skin healthy. Cold weather and biting winds can challenge even the most polished skin care routine with dryness, itching, and irritation. Wondering if there’s anything…
#Healthy LivingRecovery from substance use can be a challenging journey, but there are many community organizations in our community that help to contribute towards the support systems necessary for lasting change. They provide much needed resources, connections, and a sense of belonging to individuals and families navigating the recovery process. How community-based organizations can help These…
#Healthy LivingIf you have FSA money you need to spend, you should know that the 2020 CARES Act has an impact on how you can use those dollars.
#Business Resources