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September 05, 2018
Getting Back on that Bike
How many times in your life have you been told to just get back up and try again? For some people, it’s a no-brainer – you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try, try again. But for others, it can be challenging – whatever happened can be tied to a bad memory, an injury,…
#Healthy Living
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August 09, 2018
Tips to Avoid Poison Ivy (And What to Do if you Can’t)
As a kid, I loved being outside. I helped with a tiny bit of yard work, but one of my favorite activities was throwing a tennis ball against the garage and pretending to be my favorite baseball player. The driveway at my parents’ house was lined with bushes that were knee-high, and on the other…
#Healthy Living
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August 01, 2018
No Ordinary Pediatrician
Dr. Anthony Malone is no ordinary pediatrician. In addition to being designated a breastfeeding-friendly practice, his office, CapitalCare Pediatrics on Hoosick Street in Troy, NY, a division of Community Care Physicians, P.C., is also certified in car seat safety. But beyond the “warm and fuzzies” new moms get when they enter Dr. Malone’s office, there…
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July 25, 2018
One of the Biggest Threats to Affordable Health Care
No one likes to go to the hospital, but when you do, you expect the best. The best care, the best technology, the best medicine, and certainly the best doctors.
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July 19, 2018
Staying Sharp with CDPHP Wellness Classes
Ron White has always known the importance of staying healthy. In 23 years working at the University at Albany, Ron coached swimming, diving, track and field, and cross country. He also taught wellness classes, helping students to make positive lifestyle changes such as maintaining a healthy diet.
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June 27, 2018
Medicare 101 Seminars and Events Near You
“One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.” – William Feather, publisher and author Becoming eligible for Medicare often marks the beginning of a new season in life. Perhaps you’re getting ready to retire. Maybe you’re newly retired and filling your calendar with volunteerism, babysitting grandchildren,…
#Healthy Living