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June 23, 2016
Adult Coloring for Stress Relief
The ability to manage stress has long-been touted as imperative for adults. In this fast-paced world we are living in, where our smartphones are always within reach, work deadlines are constantly looming, and the kids need to be driven to ten different places after school, it’s no wonder most adults are bleary-eyed.
#Healthy Living
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June 22, 2016
30-Plus Free or Low-Cost Places to Swim in Upstate NY
As the school year winds down, your thoughts may be turning to summertime activities geared toward the whole family. And with forecasts of hot, hazy, humid days fast approaching, what could be better than a dip in a cool pool or watering hole? Can’t afford a country club or pool membership? No problem! Many low-…
#Healthy Living
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June 16, 2016
Books on a Budget: Free and Low-Cost Resources for Family Reading
Early exposure to books and the development of reading skills are important means for children to gather information and interpret the world around them.
#Healthy Living
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June 10, 2016
The Rise and Fall and the Crash and Burn of Exercise
A few years ago, one could say that I was an exercise-aholic. I worked out six days a week, ran an average of 40 miles per week, and conquered five half-marathons in three years.
#Healthy Living
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June 07, 2016
A Different Kind of Camping Part VI: Reflections
As my time in Jordan began to wind down, I was dreading returning home. Even though I missed taking a hot shower, among other small luxuries most people take for granted, I didn’t want to leave.
#Healthy Living
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June 02, 2016
Gentlemen, Start Your Engines: Your Guide to a Men’s Health Tune-Up
If you are like me, you have a man in your life who is … let’s call it “stubborn” about going to the doctor. It can be a spouse, partner, dad, uncle, brother, or even a close friend. You know the type – he complains about aches and pains or seemingly weird medical mysteries, but…
#Healthy Living