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May 27, 2016
CDPHP Staffers Run the Ragnar (and Live to Tell About It)
I don’t remember exactly how I got myself into this. I do recall several of us were standing in the hallway at work chatting, and the Cape Cod Ragnar race came up. Soon after, we decided to form a team and register.
#Healthy Living
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May 26, 2016
Do You Know the Signs of a Stroke?
Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States. While its ranking has declined in recent years, the American Stroke Association notes that every 40 seconds, someone in the U.S. suffers from a stroke.
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May 25, 2016
A Different Kind of Camping Part V: A Day at the Clinics
Based on our budget and the health concerns in the Syrian refugee camps we served in Jordan, we decided to outfit our mobile clinics with basic medical supplies and equipment that would address the greatest needs.
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May 18, 2016
Day in the Life of a FitBit User
I was so excited. The moment, and person, I had been waiting for – the UPS man – had arrived. To be honest, my heart skips a beat or two any time I see that big, brown truck pull up in front of my house. But this time he was delivering the key to my…
#Healthy Living
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May 03, 2016
A Different Kind of Camping Part IV: Logistical Challenges
The two NGOs I worked for in Jordan were very small and neither had more than five employees. Despite the lack of manpower, each member worked with a fervor that matched the desperate need around them.
#Healthy Living
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April 22, 2016
Keep, Fix, or Repeal: What’s Next for Obamacare?
CDPHP® president and CEO, Dr. John Bennett, was among the four panelists participating in today’s Healthcare Power Breakfast, hosted by the Albany Business Review.
#Healthy Living