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September 24, 2014
What Parents Should Know about Enterovirus-D68
You might be hearing scary news about how the Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) is affecting children in the Capital Region. The Enterovirus is not new; in fact, you’ve probably had one – some forms of the Enterovirus are what we consider the common cold. However, this particular strain is being discussed among health professionals and parents…
#Healthy Living
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September 19, 2014
How to Prepare for a Healthy Pregnancy
Are you thinking about starting a family? You should know that a healthy pregnancy is the first and most important step you can take to help your little one get off to a good start. Indeed, the choices you make now could affect your baby for the rest of his or her life, so it’s…
#Healthy Living
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September 19, 2014
Back to School: Tips for Packing Healthy Lunches
It’s that time again! The yellow buses are arriving and children are heading back to school with their freshly sharpened pencils and shiny new folders. For some parents, this means resuming another daily routine – packing lunches. Making sure your children eat healthy can take some planning, especially if they are selective eaters or if…
#Healthy Living
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September 12, 2014
Tips for Preventing Obesity in Your Family
Are you concerned about your weight or that of your children or spouse? Does your family struggle to make healthy food choices? Do meal times and snack times feel like a battleground? If so, you are not alone.
#Healthy Living
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September 10, 2014
A Locavore’s Delight: Your Capital Region Farm to Table Guide
Lo·ca·vore. Noun\ˈlō-kə-ˌvȯr\ One who eats foods grown locally whenever possible. – The Merriam-Webster dictionary We talk a lot about healthy, nutritious food, but where does it come from? We’re fortunate that the Capital Region is rich with locally harvested and raised food. Take a tour with us through farms, farmers’ markets, and community shares right…
#Healthy Living
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August 27, 2014
What’s a Summer Without Zucchini?
Whatever else you have planted in your garden this summer, I hope you threw a few zucchini seeds into the ground. Really, a few! This summer standby is a prolific producer. If you got excited and planted the entire packet of zucchini seeds, get ready to see a lot of green.
#Healthy Living