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May 29, 2014
CapitalCare / CDPHP Health & Fitness Expo
Are your running shoes ready? Whether you’re gearing up for a fast run or are more comfortable with a brisk walk, the Freihofer’s® 36th Run for Women is coming soon! The event will take place Saturday, May 31 at the Empire State Plaza in Albany. Also scheduled for that weekend is the CapitalCare/CDPHP® Health &…
#Healthy Living
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May 07, 2014
Your Body: It’s Not about Being Thin, It’s about Being Fit
We hear all the time in the media about how to be “fit,” and society leads us to believe that people, especially women, are more attractive if they are thin. For lots of people, the motivation to become or remain thin is to be attractive, but thin and fit are not the same thing. That’s…
#Healthy Living
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May 06, 2014
Great Apps for Quick Fitness Routines
We all know how important exercise is. For some of us, the biggest stumbling block in our quest for fitness is not motivation, but time. Carving out time to go to the gym can be a challenge, especially when you’re juggling jobs, kids, and everything else that life throws your way. Lucky for you, if…
#Healthy Living
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May 05, 2014
Healthy Foods in Your Daily Diet
We hear so much about what not to eat that sometimes it’s hard to remember that there are plenty of foods that you can work into a balanced daily diet that have some potential health benefits. While experts are always continuing to study what’s healthy and what isn’t, the following are items are commonly known…
#Healthy Living