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February 19, 2020
6 Ways I Stepped Out of My Comfort Zone and Into Clothes I Haven’t Worn in a Decade
I eat A LOT. Years ago, when purchasing a new lunch box I had to ask the clerk to pretend I was a 6ʹ tall construction worker and stop suggesting dainty lunchboxes. During the work day, my very predictable breakfasts (yes, plural!), lunch, and snacks are all very healthy and consisted largely of fruits and…
#Healthy Living
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January 31, 2020
The CDPHP Workforce Team Challenge: Your Donations at Work!
Back in May of 2019, you may have been one of the 10,000 participants who laced up their sneakers to run, jog, or walk in the CDPHP Workforce Team Challenge. Your participation and donation also directly impacted two local organizations: The Albany Damien Center and Family Promise of the Capital Region. As we open the…
#Healthy Living
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January 21, 2020
Tired of Being Stuck Inside All Winter? Try Cross Country Skiing
During the fall and winter, the days can seem painfully short in this part of the country. It’s easy to snuggle up on the couch, dive into a homemade tin of cookies and some hot chocolate around the holidays, and bundle up for the long, cold weeks of winter that follow. As the season stretches…
#Healthy Living
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January 02, 2020
Winning the Fight Against Germs This Cold and Flu Season
‘Tis the season – for drinking hot chocolate, building snowmen and… getting sick? Unfortunately, yes. During colder months especially, when windows are shut and fresh air is less readily available, germs really circulate. However, there are several effective ways to minimize the spread of illness.
#Healthy Living
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January 01, 2020
Cervical Cancer Screenings Save Lives
A simple phone call might have saved Shari’s life. A CDPHP community health specialist called Shari and offered to help her set up an appointment for a cervical cancer screening, commonly known as a Pap test. Shari decided that there was no time like the present and picked a day and time to see her…
#Healthy Living
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December 18, 2019
What If You Could Protect Your Child from Cancer?
There are a lot of conflicting messages out there about the HPV vaccination. It’s time to set the record straight and get the facts about protecting your child from HPV-related cancers.
#Healthy Living