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October 03, 2022
Six simple ways to a healthier routine this fall
The new school year gives families an opportunity to hit the reset button and create healthier habits. If your family’s routine got disrupted this summer, you’re not alone. Here are six simple ways to boost your well-being and get back on track this fall. 1. Start a gratitude journal With back-to-school, shorter days, and more…
#Healthy Living
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September 23, 2022
Strategies to Relieve Caregiving Stress for the Sandwich Generation
Have you noticed your caregiver responsibilities are taking up more and more of your time and to-do list? If you are feeling overwhelmed by the pinch of taking care of your kids while helping out with aging parents, you are not alone. Nearly half of all adults are caring for one or more parent, all…
#Healthy Living
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September 23, 2022
Infant formula resources in the Capital Region
Becoming a new parent is a joyful part of life, but it can also be stressful. An inability to feed your baby shouldn’t add to that stress. Here are some resources to help you find formula: Additionally, below are some resources to help you learn more about formula. As always, the CDPHP Care Team is…
#Healthy Living
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September 13, 2022
Take a Look at Breast Cancer and Screening by the Numbers
Even if you are healthy and have no family history of breast cancer, it is important that you schedule a mammogram. The American Cancer Society reports that the vast majority of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer had no family history of the disease. That is to say these women were the first in…
#Healthy Living
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July 27, 2022
Wish you could just email your doctor? Maybe you can!
I really like talking with the nurses and staff at my doctor’s office. They’re some of the nicest and most caring people I know. Chatting with them is always pleasant and informative — but I’m also aware of how busy these dedicated health professionals are, and sometimes it doesn’t feel right taking up too much…
#Healthy Living
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July 23, 2022
Celebrating the power of breastfeeding to impact health and wealth
The importance of breastfeeding is celebrated around the globe every year from August 1 to August 7. Led by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA), the annual World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) campaign aims to inform, anchor, engage, and galvanize action to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding. This year’s theme, Step up for Breastfeeding, aims…
#Healthy Living