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May 14, 2021
6 Easy steps to see how much your medical service will cost
Did you know that you can shop online for cost estimates regarding your next medical treatment using CDPHP® Price Check? Well, now you can – in six easy steps! Let’s follow along with James as he gets his own estimate for an MRI of his knee. James first logs in to his CDPHP member account…
#Business Resources
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May 14, 2021
How a COVID-19 diagnosis changed one family’s mind about getting vaccinated
Shayna Leigh works as a CDPHP facilitated enroller, helping current and future CDPHP members with their enrollment questions. With three children at home, she has done what she can to protect her family during the COVID-19 pandemic. They’ve worn face masks, practiced social distancing, and despite wanting to see family, have even limited face-to-face contact…
#Healthy Living
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April 30, 2021
Meet Sarah: Living Fierce
A long-time supporter of the American Heart Association’s Capital Region Heart Walk & Run, I walk in memory of my little brother, father, and grandfather. I also walk to honor several loved ones who live with or have overcome heart disease, including my uncle who received a heart transplant a few years ago. I’m thrilled that this year’s American…
#Healthy Living
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April 14, 2021
Why this loyal CDPHP member keeps sticking with green
There’s nothing out there comparable to what I have. Capital Region native, Marie Miller, became a CDPHP® member in 1985. Since then, she has never looked back. When she first signed up with CDPHP, she was working for the NYS Health Department and was just excited to have health insurance through her job. Marie continued…
#Healthy Living
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April 14, 2021
Are You Sure You’re Okay? Unseen Ways COVID-19 Affects Your Mental Health
I’m fine. How many times have you said that to yourself or someone else over these last months? Most likely, you’ve said it more often than you’ve meant it. Even if you think you haven’t been affected by COVID-19, stress and anxiety have probably crept into your daily life in ways you may not have…
#Healthy Living
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April 05, 2021
Why masks still matter during the COVID-19 pandemic, even after you’re vaccinated
True or false: I have received my COVID-19 vaccine, so I no longer need to wear my mask at all. FALSE! Masking is still an important part of protecting ourselves, our loved ones, and our community against COVID-19. We’re just not quite ready to ditch the masks altogether. Based on the advice of health experts,…
#Healthy Living